Member ID Card

LifeMart Telemedicine Plan

Call a doctor 24/7/365

Avoid unnecessary doctor's office visits

Get prescription discounts

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Member ID Card

LifeMart Telemedicine Plan

Call a doctor 24/7/365

Avoid unnecessary doctor's office visits

Get prescription discounts

Learn More Join Now!

Plan Overview

Save a trip to the doctor's office with Telemedicine. Board-certified physicians are ready for you to call 24/7/365 to help you diagnose conditions, recommend treatments and can even write prescriptions. Consultations are free and can help you save time and money by avoiding unnecessary visits to the doctor's office.

Plan Details


  • Teladoc is a national network of U.S. board-certified, and state-licensed physicians who use electronic health records, telephonic consultations and online video consultations to diagnose conditions, recommend treatment and write short-term, non-DEA controlled prescriptions when medically appropriate.
  • Physicians are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, allowing you and your family convenient access to quality care from home, work or on-the-go. Cost of Consultation: Free!
Teladoc Overview How to use Teladoc

Teladoc Highlights:

  • 97% member satisfaction, 91% medical resolution and 97% physician satisfaction
  • Secure, personal and portable electronic health records
  • The average consultation time is 12 minutes.
  • On average, members receive a call back from the physician in 22 minutes.
  • Teladoc guarantees all members will receive a call back from a physician in three hours. (Teladoc physicians successfully completed 99.6% of the consult requests within three hours in the past year.)
  • On average, Teladoc physicians resolve 91% of the calls. The remaining calls are referred to the member's PCP, a specialist, or the ER unless the member is seeking a prescription that is outside the Teladoc scope of service.
  • Pediatric network available
  • No age restrictions

Call Teladoc:

  • When your physician is not available
  • After normal hours of operation
  • For non-emergency care
  • On vacation or business trip

Use Teladoc for non-emergency medical issues such as:

  • Cold or Flu
  • Respiratory Infections
  • Sinus Infection
  • Bronchitis
  • Allergies
  • Pink Eye
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Poison Ivy

©2016 Teladoc, Inc. All rights reserved. Teladoc and the Teladoc logo are registered trademarks of Teladoc, Inc. and may not be used without written permission. Teladoc does not replace the primary care physician. Teladoc does not guarantee that a prescription will be written. Teladoc operates subject to state regulation and may not be available in certain states. Please visit for a complete list of state availability. Teladoc does not prescribe DEA controlled substances, non-therapeutic drugs and certain other drugs which may be harmful because of their potential for abuse. Teladoc physicians reserve the right to deny care for potential misuse of services. Teladoc phone consultations are available 24 hours, 7 days a week while video consultations are available during the hours of 7am to 9pm, 7 days a week.

TVIP - 04/20/15

Medical information

  • eDocAmerica is an online health and wellness service that provides 24/7 unlimited access to physicians, psychologists, pharmacists, dentists, dietitians, fitness trainers, alternative medicine doctors, and eye doctors for routine medical questions and information. Members are able to ask what they want, when they want and always get personal answers.
  • Members are able to avoid spending unnecessary time waiting in a doctor's office for routine health issues that could have been easily addressed through a simple online exchange with a medical professional.
  • eDocAmerica members will also receive access to a 3D Health Encyclopedia with over 300 topics and conditions, Health Risk Assessments and weekly health tips, delivered straight to the member's email.


24-hour nurse line

Carenet Logo

Carenet's Nurse Line is available 24/7 to assist with members' health concerns. Registered nurses are available to answer general questions, discuss symptoms and provide suggestions on how and when to seek professional treatment.

With nurse triage, members are directed to a facility close to them, saving time and money. Receiving advice from these registered nurses reduces costs, relieves stress and increases productivity.

Carenet's Nurse Line Services include:

  • Symptom assessment and phone triage
  • Non-urgent care advice
  • Drug and medication information
  • Condition explanations

Carenet provides deaf and foreign language services through the use of TDD and a language line service. These services can be accessed by members 24/7, including holidays.

Carenet members have access to a pre-recorded health information library consisting of over 1,100 various topics,* including:

Infectious Disease
Bones, Joints & Muscles
Mental & Emotional Health
Cardiovascular Health
Cosmetic Surgery
Dental Health
Health Quizzes
Hormonal Disorders
Blood & Circulatory Problems
Men's Health
Newborn Care
Common Illnesses
Reconstructive Surgery
Pregnancy & Childbirth
Alcohol Problems
Back & Neck Problems
Brain & Nervous System
Child Health Development
Parenting & Family Life
Personal Safety

*There are over 600 audio health library topics available in Spanish.


Prescription Medicine Discounts

  • Members will have access to savings between 15% to 60% off the retail price of generic drugs and 10% to 25% off the retail price of brand name drugs at over 68,000 participating pharmacies nationwide including Safeway, CVS, Duane Reade, Wal-Mart, Target, Walgreens, Rite Aid and many more.
  • Members have access to an interactive website that allows users to locate the nearest participating pharmacy and accurately check the current costs of drugs. Even if members have prescription benefits through a Health Insurance carrier, a comparison of costs between the two programs should be performed to determine the most savings.
  • By utilizing this powerful tool, members can make educated cost-saving decisions.


Travel and medical assistance

Travel Guard Logo

Travel Assistance and Emergency Medical Assistance are available through Travel Guard when you are traveling over 100 miles away from home and you are faced with a serious injury or illness, or a travel-related emergency such as lost luggage, passport or wallet; flight rebooking, or pre-trip travel advice on required inoculations.

Emergency Travel Services

  • Flight Rebooking assistance
  • Lost Passport & Travel Document assistance
  • Emergency Cash Transfer assistance
  • Lost baggage search; stolen luggage replacement assistanceEmergency Message Relay Coordinate emergency return travel arrangements

**Non-emergency travel booking fees include: $35 per person for domestic tickets, $55 per person for international tickets, $35 per person for tours and cruises, $20 per hotel booked, and $20 per rental car booked.

Limitations & Exclusions:
AIG Travel provides traveler assistance through coordination, negotiation and consultation using an extensive network of worldwide partners. Expenses for goods and services provided by third parties are the responsibility of the traveler.

TGTA - 6/11/14


Member & Family





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THIS PLAN IS NOT INSURANCE and is not intended to replace health insurance. This plan does not meet the minimum creditable coverage requirements under M.G.L. c.111M and 956 CMR 5.00. This plan is not a Qualified Health Plan under the Affordable Care Act. This is not a Medicare prescription drug plan. The range of discounts will vary depending on the type of provider and service. The plan does not pay providers directly. Plan members must pay for all services but will receive a discount from participating providers. The list of participating providers is on this website. A written list of participating providers is available upon request. You may cancel within the first 30 days after effective date or receipt of membership materials (whichever is later) and receive a full refund, less a nominal processing fee (nominal fee for MD residents is $5, AR residents will be refunded the processing fee). Discount Plan Organization and administrator: Careington International Corporation, 7400 Gaylord Parkway, Frisco, TX 75034; phone 800-441-0380.

This plan is not available in Vermont or Washington.

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