The Lifestyle Discount Plan is designed to help you save money on everyday expenses, as well as protect you from the headaches of identity theft or car problems. Whether it's roadside assistance, identity theft protection, shopping and dining discounts or a prepaid MasterCard®, the Lifestyle Discount Plan saves you time and money.
Prescription drugs - Agelity™
An average savings of 15% on brand name drugs and 40% on generic drugs.
Road Side Assistance - National Safe Drivers
Discounted rates on roadside assistance services from more than 45,000 road and tow professionals, along with free trip routing, car rental and travel discounts and services.
Identity theft prevention - LifeLock
Proactive identity theft protection that includes a $1 million total service guarantee if a member's identity is compromised.
Shopping and dining discounts – DDS
Savings of 3% - 10% at popular stores, restaurants and theme parks by purchasing merchandise with a prepaid gift card or gift certificate.
Prepaid MasterCard® – Access Card Systems
A $10 credit on any Access MoneyNow™ Prepaid MasterCard®, which allows you to purchase goods and services without a traditional bank account or the risks of carrying cash.