Maintaining good oral hygiene and regularly seeing the dentist is important to your family's overall health, but it can also be expensive. Sign up for the New Jersey Farm Bureau Dental Discount Plan today and you will receive immediate discounts on exams, braces, cleanings, crowns, dental procedures, dentures and more!
This is not insurance. It is a discount plan designed to give you quality dental care at affordable rates. Simply become a member, show your membership ID to a participating dentist in our network, and pay your discounted rate at the time of service. It is that simple!
Members may take advantage of 20% to 60% savings on dental care. Careington is an industry leader with one of the nation's largest and most recognized professional dental networks. Careington's networks focus on local, neighborhood dentists and offer member-transparent pricing with robust fee schedules.
Procedure Description | *Regular Cost | **Plan Cost | Savings $ | Savings % |
Routine Checkup | $93 | $31 | $62 | 67% |
Extensive Oral Exam | $163 | $54 | $109 | 67% |
Four Bitewing X-Rays | $101 | $36 | $65 | 64% |
Adult Cleaning | $152 | $57 | $95 | 63% |
Child Cleaning | $107 | $41 | $66 | 62% |
Composite (White) Filling (Front Teeth) | $239 | $100 | $139 | 58% |
Crown (porcelain fused to noble metal) | $1,662 | $692 | $970 | 58% |
Molar Root Canal | $1,692 | $657 | $1,035 | 61% |
Complete Upper Denture | $2,436 | $1,016 | $1,420 | 58% |
Extraction (single tooth) | $305 | $109 | $196 | 64% |
*Regular Cost is based on the average 80th percentile usual and customary rates as detailed in the 2023 Fair Health Report for the Los Angeles, Orlando, Chicago & NYC metropolitan statistical area(s).
**Plan Cost represents the average of the assigned Careington DN07 Discount Network plan fees for the Los Angeles, Orlando, Chicago & NYC metropolitan statistical area(s).
Prices subject to change.
DN07 - 237/24
*Provider locations are subject to change
EYEM - 1/17/20
QualSight LASIK
Serving you with Quality, Choice & Savings
The QualSight program is not an insured program.
AMST - 4/12/19