Get the care you need with a Careington plan!
With a Careington plan, you and your family can get 24/7 doctor access or save big on dental care, vision care, hearing care, chiropractic services, diabetes supplies and more!
Affordable, convenient access to quality dental and vision care, giving you access to the care you need – at the low prices you deserve.
*Plus a one-time, nonrefundable processing fee of $10.00.
Not just prescription savings! Receive access to free antibiotics, corticosteroids, antihistamines, pain management, gastrointestinal and more. Plus, receive two $5 Insulin Lispro vials every 90 days.
*Plus a one-time, nonrefundable processing fee of $5.00.
Our most comprehensive plan, designed to help you access top-quality care for all your health and wellness needs.
*Plus a one-time, nonrefundable processing fee of $10.00.
Our plans can deliver 24/7 doctor access or some of the industry's deepest discounts, providing members with more control over their access to health care. Here are a few reasons why members love our plans: